2014-12-25 16:23:57留學網(wǎng)整理
Too many commercials have interfered people’s normal life.(正常句序)
We have too many ads around us; our life has been interfered.(懶人句)
We have too many ads, so our life is being negatively influenced.(FANBOYS連貫)
With too many ads around us, we have suffered a lot.(介詞短語提前)
We have, with too many ads around us, suffered too much.(插入成分)
There is an increasing number of ads everywhere; therefore, our life has been seriously intervened.(therefore類連貫)
There is an increasing number of commercials.Our life, therefore, has been seriously intervened. (therefore類連貫)
Because we have too many ads around us, we are not having a satisfactory life.(從句提前)