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雅思口語范例:a stage in your life

2014-12-25 16:21:36留學(xué)網(wǎng)整理

  A Stage in Your Life you Enjoyed (2) (Sept. 6, 2008)

  Describe a stage of your life that you enjoyed. (Such as your childhood or your high school years)

  You should say:

  how old you were (or, when this stage of your life took place)

  how long it lasted

  where you were living at the time / Who you were living with at the time

  what you were doing during this stage

  and explain why you think this was an enjoyable stage of your life.

  My sample:

  I would say my childhood, or before I started school. I used to have so much fun with the boys in my neighborhood. We played games, climbed mountains and swam in the river. I was so carefree those days. I remember once my playmates and I went hiking in the mountain and got lost. We spent the night in the wood and were so scared. We were afraid that something would come out and eat us. Our parents did not know what had happened to us. They were so upset about us that they even went to the police. Luckily we found our way back the next day. Now when I look back at it, I just think how fun it used to be and how happy I used to be. There were no worries or responsibilities. The only worry I had was how to have much more fun the next day. There was no schoolwork to worry about, no examinations to depress me, no worry about future jobs, or finding myself a girlfriend. I really missed those good old days and hoped that I could revisit the good time in my dreams.

  1. Have you changed since that period in your life?

  Life has become more complicated and I have more and more worries, my schoolwork, my future job, etc.

  2. Do you think there will be more changes, later?

  Yes. I believe life will become more complicated and I will have more issues to deal with, such as getting married, buying my own house.

  3. Are you still in contact with people from that stage of your life?

  Yes, but only a few.

  4. (Similar to above) What are some examples of things that adults can do (by law) but children cannot do? FQ

  The adults can drive a car. They can have a job. And they can get married.

  5. In China, what is the legal age of adulthood? (I.e., At what age does one become an adult, according to the law?) FQ

  18, I believe.

  6. (Similar to above) In your country, at what age does a person becomes responsible for their own actions? FQ

  18, I believe.

  7. Do you think that is a suitable age (for classifying a person as an adult)? (Why?/Why not?) FQ

  I guess so. By the age of 18, most people have reached maturity both mentally and physically, and it is time for them to take responsibilities.

  8. (Similar to above) Do you think this legal age of adulthood is reasonable? FQ


  9. What sorts of things can people do when they reach this legal age of adulthood (things they couldn't do before this age)? FQ

  They could drive a car, have a job and get married.

  10. What is the (minimum) legal age for marriage in China? FQx2

  I believe it is 22 for men and 20 for women.

[標(biāo)簽:海外留學(xué) 語言考試 雅思]






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